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After the Holiday

Resurrection Sunday was a few days ago. This time last year our church had moved online and we were all wondering when life would resume. This year we were blessed to be in person. Masks were required and we remained socially distant-but it was well worth it. Our Easter service was powerful, moving, and spirit filled. The pandemic has helped me to appreciate the scripture even more, "forsake not the gathering together of the saints." Your service whether online or in person was likely moving for you as well. But now what? After the holiday and the world has moved onto the next major event, how can we keep Christ in the forefront of our hearts and minds?

Connecting with your creator can be done through simple acts throughout the day. When we operate in our purpose we are tapping into direct access to his purpose and plan for our life. If you are struggling to discover who he made you to be, or struggling to find joy, or maybe your mind races at night and throughout the day- consider a reset.

Bible Study Perspectives is offering access to a 31 day Bootcamp for those looking to build their spiritual muscles. Just like anything else, sometimes we need support, guidance, and structure to develop a personalized plan to enhance our lives. Why should your spiritual health be any different? Make a plan for after the holiday and get your mind, body, and spirit back in alignment with HIM. For more information view:

May your connections be divine,

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