2023 is continuing to fly by. Our family has been busy celebrating a birthday, a new licensed permit driver in the Dupree household, the end of the school year, preparing for sport competitions this summer, church events, and work commitments. Time is precious and our family is growing up and having fun.
In case you missed it, here is a link to view a few of the messages I've shared through social media during the months of April/May.
I also want to share a major THANK YOU. Because of your efforts, I am a semi-finalist in the Kansas City People's Choice Award for "Best Author." The voting for this part of the competition ends Friday, May 12th! The list of 10 semi-finalist will be narrowed down to 5. If I am successful, another round of voting will open up, (TBD) and the winner will be announced during the KCPCA show on Sunday, July 16th. I am asking for your vote again using this link: https://kcpcawards.com/2023-semi-finalists/semi-finalists-2023-entertainment/
Remember, we are learning God's voice. He is leading our lives. ❤️