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Day 16 of 31.


It starts with acknowledging that we all have gifts, skills, and talents, and it can be used to help others.

For too long I would spend time thinking on everything that I didn’t have, couldn’t do, or didn’t enjoy doing. I had to move from a deficit mindset, and cultivate the gifts through various experiences.

The next step is acknowledging the skill set He gave us. Not to show off for our own personal glory, but to figure out how it can be used for His glory. Personal glory is and feels empty and meaningless.

How can our lives be used to build something that will last beyond us?

How does this skill, talent, and gift further God’s purpose here in earth?

God loves people.

How can our gifts be used to help, encourage, uplift, and better His creations?

These questions are ongoing & in different seasons the assignment changes.

Praying for your journey as well!

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