Some folks have no issue with confrontation. While there are some of us that struggle in this area. It can be a coping mechanism- we put on an amour and act as if nothing ever bothers us. I know I've had to balance this often.
I am a strong believer that it is not my place to go around putting everyone else in their place. That takes too much energy AND I have enough to manage. I also don't control people- and quite frankly, just because I don't like someone's actions doesn't mean its wrong or my place to address it.
BUT- when the actions are directed towards me and my household/family AND it changes how I begin to feel and interact with the person usually it's time to speak up.
It's not fair to have unspoken problems with people and they haven't been given the courtesy of a conversation.
During my first professional job after law school I had a boss (that was an older male) who would call me "girl." It was inappropriate and weird. One day- he was explaining a project he wanted me to work on and ended the conversation with, "got that girl?" I just blurted out, "I sure do...boy." He paused, looked at me, and laughed. He never called me "girl" again.
Did I respond in love? No. I was irritated, and allowed the situation to go on too long. The older me would have just simply said- please don't call me girl, call me Shanelle.