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Obedience & Love


I began teaching Bible Study 6 years ago at Grace Tabernacle Church because of obedience and love.

Life changed for our family in 2016 & 2017 in a quick flurry of unexpected deaths.

It was so impactful because of what those deaths meant for myself and everyone I loved.

*My husband lost his parents

*Our children lost their grandparents

*We all lost our Pastors

This was also the time period:

*My husband was elected into public office as the first elected African American District Attorney for Wyandotte County, Kansas.

*My husband became the new Pastor of our church, Grace Tabernacle

*I was transitioning from being in the courtroom and was actively closing my law practice and looking for my next career steps (this process didn’t come easy)

So many things were happening all at once… and none of it was according to MY plan.

The truth is the unexpected happens to all of us.

Yet, in the moments that follow, we all will need to make important decisions.

*How will I allow this to shape me?

*Do I go left, right, or stand still?

*& what is God saying to me in this moment?

I decided to function in obedience to God and love.

Yes, I was hurting, but so was everyone else that I loved.

I heard God say clearly, “Shanelle, you are a teacher. You teach parents child welfare law in the courtroom, now I need for you to teach my Word.”

I spoke with Mark Dupree and volunteered to teach Bible Study on Tuesday nights at our church. He happily agreed.

Although my intention was to be obedient and help carry some of the responsibilities at our church because I love my husband & Grace- it ultimately blessed and helped me so much more.

In order to teach anything well, one has to know it for yourself. You have to think outside of yourself and understand how people learn AND how you as the teacher can connect concepts and principles that are simple to understand.

It also led to the releases of Bible Study Perspectives: Genesis, Vol. I & II. Through these books I connect God’s word to family dynamics, legal situations, and everyday situations we all face- so ultimately we can truly begin seeing God’s word in our lives.

The creation of the Bible Study Perspectives (BSP) online course was a natural next step. Just like a meal plan or a workout plan sometimes we need a structured way to connect to God’s word and hear His voice clearly.

The next BSP course launches this Sunday! If you are connected to me (online or personally) you are invited. There is no risk involved…why not connect to God’s word at the beginning of the New Year through a creative and “done for you” bible study course you can complete at anytime throughout your day according to your schedule?

All you need to begin this online Christian based curriculum is:

*An open heart willing to hear from God;

*A mind that is expecting to receive from God;

*A valid email address;

*Access to the internet; and

*Copies of the Bible Study Perspective books, Vol. I & II

Attending church on Sundays is a great start. But a relationship doesn’t grow with limited contact.

If you have been looking for something more to build those spiritual muscles, help focus your mind, and help lead you -this 21 day course launching Sunday, January 8th has the ability to strengthen your connection to God and change your life.

Click the link to sign up, and I pray in this New Year- obedience to God and love leads all of us.

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