Lady Justice is a symbol you may see outside your local courthouse and in some courtrooms. She represents fairness & equality. She is a symbol of the law functioning without prejudice, favor, or corruption. Yet, Lady Justice has not always lived up to her original calling.
In a way, Lady Justice is you and me. We are all created for a purpose. We are all called to greatness. Yet, on some occasions we fall short.
I am dressed as “Lady Justice reimagined” because I believe you and I still have an opportunity to live out our greatness.

The crown on my head represents my culture. I am a descendent of royalty-naturally and spiritually. My headdress also represents the helmet of salvation. My helmet protects my mind. Salvation is deliverance, which is freedom in Christ Jesus.
I am holding the Bible in my hands because this is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Bible is how God speaks to us. It is also my sword of truth, source of wisdom, and my reassurance. Take notice of the scales of justice resting on top of the Bible. The law should always reflect justice and mercy. & when people get in the way of justice for all, we must go back to the foundation and seek out those greater virtues.
My perspective is colored by the beauty of the law. As a result I am introducing a perspective of Lady Justice as a brown skinned sisterlocked lawyer, daughter, wife, and mother of 4 who carries with her a desire for the world to see the beauty of God’s word in everything.
May your connections be divine,
